prettiest villages Charente
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The Prettiest Villages in Charente

Mahaut Fauquet
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"Villes d’art et d’histoire," "Plus beaux villages de France," "Cités de caractère"—Charente boasts numerous historical towns and villages rich in preserved heritage and authentic architecture. If you're looking to settle in Charente, be sure to discover these exceptional villages to find your future home!

The Most Beautiful Villages in Charente

1. Aubeterre-sur-Dronne

Aubeterre ranks first among the most beautiful villages in Charente! Built against a chalky cliff along a bend of the Dronne, the village offers a maze of cobbled streets lined with white houses with red roofs, typical of the southwest. If you keep an eye out, you'll notice some houses still feature Spanish-style wooden balconies! Don't miss the village square and its shaded terraces, the famous Saint-Jacques Church with its Romanesque facade, or the curious underground Saint-Jean Church.

Located equidistant from Angoulême and Périgueux (Dordogne) and about a hundred kilometers from Bordeaux, the village enjoys a privileged geographical location.

Photo Aubeterre sur Dronne

2. Nanteuil-en-Vallée

Labeled "Petite cité de Caractère," the village of Nanteuil is mainly known for its abbey, with initial constructions dating back to the Carolingian era! The village, with its medieval architecture and half-timbered houses, is also noteworthy. Wander through the narrow streets, sip a coffee on a terrace, and end your visit at the Argentor gardens, designed by Eugène Bureau in the early 20th century.

Abbaye de Nanteuil

3. Verteuil-sur-Charente

Nestled on both sides of the river, Verteuil-sur-Charente is a medieval city rich in treasures to discover. Among them, the Sénéchalerie, a house dating from the late 15th century, stands out with its mullioned windows and ogival door facing the street. This historic residence was the home of the Seneschal, illustrating the craftsmanship of the time.

Don't miss the 12th-century Romanesque church of Saint-Médard, which houses a remarkable life-size polychrome terracotta Entombment attributed to the Germain Pilon workshop. Finally, the Château de Verteuil, owned by the La Rochefoucauld family for over a thousand years, has hosted François VI, Duke of La Rochefoucauld, French kings and queens, and the Queen of England!

Château de Verteuil

4. Tusson

Tusson is a true medieval village: here, the flower-lined streets are bordered by medieval houses, you can visit the iconic medieval garden, and enjoy medieval days and historical reenactments! Besides this medieval presence, the village boasts a beautiful abbey and restored historic houses. Among them, Marguerite of Angoulême's house, dating from the 16th century, now hosts the Maison du Patrimoine. Visitors less passionate about history will still appreciate the village's charm with its local craftsmanship and picturesque shops!

Village de Tusson

5. Chalais

Dominated by a majestic castle dating from the 11th century, once the residence of the Talleyrand-Périgord family, Chalais offers a beautiful panorama of picturesque streets and old houses. You will also discover the Saint-Martial church, a Romanesque jewel with restored frescoes. The village is also known for its lively weekly market, where local producers offer their specialties. Don't miss the visit to the nearby Templar chapel, a vestige of the medieval era.

Sunday market in Chalais

6. Bourg-Charente

In our article “Living in Charente”, we mentioned the numerous cycling paths that crisscross the department and follow the Charente River. Bourg-Charente is part of one of these routes, the Flow Vélo, a path that connects villages along the river! Here you will find small squares with fountains, mills, flowered balconies, and a beautiful Romanesque church. This is also where the Michelin-starred restaurant "La Ribaudière," a Charente institution, is located.

Promenade Bourg Charente

7. Villebois-Lavalette

Villebois-Lavalette charms with its medieval allure and rich heritage. Dominated by an imposing 12th-century castle, the village offers a panoramic view of the surrounding countryside. Stroll through its cobbled streets and discover the 17th-century market halls, listed as a historic monument, emblematic of local architecture. Villebois-Lavalette is also famous for its weekly market, filled with local and artisanal products, offering visitors an authentic experience.

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The Most Beautiful Towns in Charente

8. Angoulême

Best known for its Comic Strip Festival, Angoulême is also a city of history (and even labeled a "City of Art and History"!), featuring a breathtaking Romanesque cathedral, historical ramparts, and stunning mansions. But above all, it is a human-scale city that offers an authentic living environment and a better quality of life! 

Photo de la cathédrale d'Angoulême

9. Confolens

Located at the confluence of the Vienne and Goire rivers, Confolens boasts several attractions: a true architectural mosaic, the town features buildings from all eras, from medieval bridges to 15th-century half-timbered houses, and 19th-century mansions! But what makes Confolens particularly attractive is its famous World Music Folklore Festival! Every second week of August, the town welcomes thousands of visitors to see musicians and dancers from around the world!

Confolens city centre

10. Cognac

How could we not mention Cognac, a "City of Art and History," to close this list! Like the other villages and towns in this article, Cognac is filled with cobbled streets, half-timbered houses, and old mansions—nothing new so far. But it is also the birthplace of the spirit that bears its name! By visiting (or even settling in) Cognac, you can uncover all the secrets of making one of the best French spirits before enjoying one of the many festivals that enliven the city throughout the year: Blues Passions or the Cognac Festival in July, Coup de Chauffe in September, or the Polar Festival in October...

Rive de Cognac

Conclusion: A Diverse and Rich Region

Charente is a region that captivates with the diversity and richness of its picturesque villages. Each one, from Aubeterre-sur-Dronne to Bourg-Charente, offers unique historical and cultural heritage, highlighting centuries of history and traditions. These villages are not only tourist destinations but also living places where artisanal traditions and local events continue to shape daily life! Markets, festivals, and local celebrations provide an opportunity to discover the best regional products and soak up the friendly and warm atmosphere of Charente!

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